Noemi 26 year old girl ... ... ... editorial graphics happy, cheerful and carefree .. especially Milan of birth and address. Um ... ok ... so? What I center? How is it that I found myself to be part of this project? Between Milan and ... Forlì Comacchio.
Well, it's simple ... I came across John ... I have known and discovering it has made me share in this story. Through his eyes I knew Chris and I found myself involved. ... Caught up to their ears from each other by the values, choices, actions ... courage. So, you find yourself reading, to inform you feel inside yourself a force that drags you ... makes you think to want to have your say ... want to keep alive the memory ... to enhance the "no" ... to want to know Christ.
Who would have thought ... well seen from the outside and could can be misunderstood everything ... but do not need words to explain it is something you feel inside is the power of the "no" that fuels our values.
Also I went to greet Christ ... together with John and Samuel. I got to shake hands with the mother of Chris and Nicola. And cabbage, what a thrill to realize where I was taking this story .... or rather, where I was leading a Christian. Without knowing him in person .... but to be there. Indescribable.
And then? ... ... I am committed to creating this blog ... to challenge me to create something for him ... for us ... for you. Do my best ... obstinate in being able to characterize the material put together .. ... process it ... and most importantly, put part of me in every little morsel. And then ... to put up with John, who stressed! hehe (joke) We really believe in this project!
Thank you in advance to anyone who will help us keep it alive!
The strength of a no ... .. starting a journey without end ...
Nicola ... thanks for the material you provided ... you have been a valuable source to be able to make this blog.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Monday, December 8, 2008
Raven Riley Straw Hat
WHO AM I? My name is John and I want to become a policeman, those with a capital.
I'm not a dreamer, but just a guy who believes that the presumption does not change the world, but want to try to improve it and fight for everything Christian is the beginning of my challenge.
In Christ gave me strength to my consistency, determination to have the decisions you make while being afraid. I'm going to fight to get to wear the uniform of the Force, to win honor.
In each of us there is a heart and a conscience and think it through waivers, the "no" that might sometimes lead to apparent defeat .. thanks to this we will achieve real victory.
Cristiano is our starting point. I say to all those boys and girls like me who have the same love to my nation, the Carabinieri, the same goal. Do not give up, do not panic, do not let stop a contest is not over ... I know it hurts ... but next time will be that good. And just when the discomfort may have the better of us .. that is where we must continue to believe and put love in everything we do. That's so we will not forget the sacrifice of Christ.
For me, the meaning of life is being able to find the courage, the strength not only to pursue its goal, but also know how to rise when you fall and continue until the end.
I now understand more of who I am, and I love more and more of my values \u200b\u200b.. maybe just through the "no" I say.
In all this I do not stop to smile and go forward. Sometimes, when I happen to be a bit ' demotivated I look at the pictures of Christ, (by my strong point) and come back stronger than before. Every time I call
also Nicholas's colleague Christian because he represents to me the real policeman.
You know, before you get to everything before creating this blog ... .. I fear that it could be misinterpreted ... Christian because I have not met in person ... I thought they would have thought that I had dual purposes ... but I just followed my heart and my values \u200b\u200b.... coming up to Vigonovo ... coming up to Chris to say THANK YOU. To shake hands with Nicola to thank Mrs. Loredana, the mother of Christian, who struggle every day and listened to me. When I
stop to think of Christ ... I think his greatness. I'm lucky to have so much faith in God and I think the gentleman has taken up the Christian right for its size.
Those who are familiar with the story of Christ can say: "It was a disgrace," others will think "it is the fault of the PM who gave the permission to award this criminal," others have no words ... but the answer does not exist . In my view, what matters is to understand the greatness of this guy in his years of service has been able to sow so much and that we reap the harvest is truly endless. The deputy sergeant is a guy who left his mark. Why? Because he loved his job because he was willing to sacrifice and this binds me to him ... to his values. Why was a person that everyone remembers with a smile ... because it did not give in to blackmail, to compromise. That is why Christ is my hero is my starting point and not the end! I
from the "no" fight every day because it is my duty not to fall nell'omertà and hypocrisy. In the "no" I find the strength to become a policeman, not to furnish them in defeat, because I love the Carabinieri I love my country ... and so do my values \u200b\u200bmore firmly, more strength to the sacrifices made for have the honor of wearing the same uniform of Christ, the same as Nicole takes commitment and dedication tuttto day with all the police. So please
linger and understand the courage of this young man for whom there will be no reward to pay his gesture.
If this blog comes to life today is because his "no" in front of a gun pointed at was not in vain!
Thanks to him I really realized that you just do not have values \u200b\u200band idealized ... you have to do is consolidate them into everyday life and never give it up ... here's what he taught me Christian. So I understand how important it is for me to be and then the policeman.
So all of you who find this blog, do not dwell only to know the ending but linger in the history of Christian action and its behavior during the service.
Dwell on what his friends, colleagues, family and friends say ... think about what he left us.
An example is the success of this blog came to life thanks to the friendship between me and Naomi was born ... a girl ... do you think of Milan, I am in Forlì ... but this distance has not prevented us to bring on this project and all these miles is not force that can have an impact on this friendship. The importance of values, believe in it despite the sacrifices and difficulties did not stop this project. And Chris is doing all the things we see? Many.
The strength of a no. We can send so much.
Now I would like to thank the Mother of Christ (whom I had the good fortune and honor to know to bring them my thanks and to let her know what Cristiano is meant and will mean to me), Nicola (who after all has always found time to answer my questions with great humility and sincerity, and that continues to keep alive the memory of Christ) , Veronica (the cousin of Christian who was always very kind and helpful to me).
Thanks to my family, my friends (Gabriel, Samuel, Naomi), to all those who support me in carrying out my choices, my values. Thanks to those who believe in me, in my way, those who did not know the story of Christ .... thanks to all those who understand what lies behind the "no".
I leave with two aphorisms used by Giovanni Falcone which I believe Cristiano has taken forward:
"The men go by, the ideas remain. their moral tensions remain and continue to walk on the legs of other men!"
"We need to totally fulfill their duty, whatever the sacrifice, to endure, whatever the cost because it is what is the essence of human dignity."
WHO AM I? My name is John and I want to become a policeman, those with a capital.
I'm not a dreamer, but just a guy who believes that the presumption does not change the world, but want to try to improve it and fight for everything Christian is the beginning of my challenge.
In Christ gave me strength to my consistency, determination to have the decisions you make while being afraid. I'm going to fight to get to wear the uniform of the Force, to win honor.
In each of us there is a heart and a conscience and think it through waivers, the "no" that might sometimes lead to apparent defeat .. thanks to this we will achieve real victory.
Cristiano is our starting point. I say to all those boys and girls like me who have the same love to my nation, the Carabinieri, the same goal. Do not give up, do not panic, do not let stop a contest is not over ... I know it hurts ... but next time will be that good. And just when the discomfort may have the better of us .. that is where we must continue to believe and put love in everything we do. That's so we will not forget the sacrifice of Christ.
For me, the meaning of life is being able to find the courage, the strength not only to pursue its goal, but also know how to rise when you fall and continue until the end.
I now understand more of who I am, and I love more and more of my values \u200b\u200b.. maybe just through the "no" I say.
In all this I do not stop to smile and go forward. Sometimes, when I happen to be a bit ' demotivated I look at the pictures of Christ, (by my strong point) and come back stronger than before. Every time I call
also Nicholas's colleague Christian because he represents to me the real policeman.
You know, before you get to everything before creating this blog ... .. I fear that it could be misinterpreted ... Christian because I have not met in person ... I thought they would have thought that I had dual purposes ... but I just followed my heart and my values \u200b\u200b.... coming up to Vigonovo ... coming up to Chris to say THANK YOU. To shake hands with Nicola to thank Mrs. Loredana, the mother of Christian, who struggle every day and listened to me. When I
stop to think of Christ ... I think his greatness. I'm lucky to have so much faith in God and I think the gentleman has taken up the Christian right for its size.
Those who are familiar with the story of Christ can say: "It was a disgrace," others will think "it is the fault of the PM who gave the permission to award this criminal," others have no words ... but the answer does not exist . In my view, what matters is to understand the greatness of this guy in his years of service has been able to sow so much and that we reap the harvest is truly endless. The deputy sergeant is a guy who left his mark. Why? Because he loved his job because he was willing to sacrifice and this binds me to him ... to his values. Why was a person that everyone remembers with a smile ... because it did not give in to blackmail, to compromise. That is why Christ is my hero is my starting point and not the end! I
from the "no" fight every day because it is my duty not to fall nell'omertà and hypocrisy. In the "no" I find the strength to become a policeman, not to furnish them in defeat, because I love the Carabinieri I love my country ... and so do my values \u200b\u200bmore firmly, more strength to the sacrifices made for have the honor of wearing the same uniform of Christ, the same as Nicole takes commitment and dedication tuttto day with all the police. So please
linger and understand the courage of this young man for whom there will be no reward to pay his gesture.
If this blog comes to life today is because his "no" in front of a gun pointed at was not in vain!
Thanks to him I really realized that you just do not have values \u200b\u200band idealized ... you have to do is consolidate them into everyday life and never give it up ... here's what he taught me Christian. So I understand how important it is for me to be and then the policeman.
So all of you who find this blog, do not dwell only to know the ending but linger in the history of Christian action and its behavior during the service.
Dwell on what his friends, colleagues, family and friends say ... think about what he left us.
An example is the success of this blog came to life thanks to the friendship between me and Naomi was born ... a girl ... do you think of Milan, I am in Forlì ... but this distance has not prevented us to bring on this project and all these miles is not force that can have an impact on this friendship. The importance of values, believe in it despite the sacrifices and difficulties did not stop this project. And Chris is doing all the things we see? Many.
The strength of a no. We can send so much.
Now I would like to thank the Mother of Christ (whom I had the good fortune and honor to know to bring them my thanks and to let her know what Cristiano is meant and will mean to me), Nicola (who after all has always found time to answer my questions with great humility and sincerity, and that continues to keep alive the memory of Christ) , Veronica (the cousin of Christian who was always very kind and helpful to me).
Thanks to my family, my friends (Gabriel, Samuel, Naomi), to all those who support me in carrying out my choices, my values. Thanks to those who believe in me, in my way, those who did not know the story of Christ .... thanks to all those who understand what lies behind the "no".
I leave with two aphorisms used by Giovanni Falcone which I believe Cristiano has taken forward:
"The men go by, the ideas remain. their moral tensions remain and continue to walk on the legs of other men!"
"We need to totally fulfill their duty, whatever the sacrifice, to endure, whatever the cost because it is what is the essence of human dignity."
Saturday, December 6, 2008
How To Get Super Glue Out Ofstainless
[scant operation]
Ferrara, 2 years ago killed a policeman
of international drug traffickers broken up around Caserta The police
Ferrara performed in different cities - in addition to the capital Este, Ravenna, Caserta, Casal di Principe and Aversa, Treviso, Perugia, Bologna, Varese, Bergamo and Siena - 29 arrest warrants issued by the investigating magistrate of the court of Ferrara started an investigation after the killing of corporal Scantamburlo Cristiano, 33, took place in Comacchio February 12, 2006.
The murder was committed by a semi-free but at the time escaped convict, Anthony Dorio, 36, killed itself while trying to escape in a shootout with fellow military patrol. In two years of investigation the police department's investigative and Pm Mariaemanuela War have uncovered a drug trafficking activities and illegal when it was finished just Dorio.
After the murder of corporal, the survey pointed it about people that the murderer was in touch. A first line investigation led to the release, on May 5 last year, a measure of housing (which had not been previously disclosed for investigative reasons) against three affected for abetting, extortion, usury, receiving and carrying of weapons illegal gun, flanked for the 'escaped during his fugitive.
The second branch has instead allowed the investigation to establish the existence of a drug, even for large quantities, out of 29 suspects, against whom the magistrate office of the Court of Ferrara issued as many precautionary measures. For three - has been anticipated - are expected house arrest, for two 's requirement of residence in the municipality of residence for an obligation of reporting to the police, while everyone else is expected to custody in prison. Those arrested are Italian, North African and Albanian. During the operation have already been arrested in flagrante delicto, and eight people were seized 11 kilograms of drugs.
until the afternoon orders were carried out 24 of the 29 required by the investigating judge of Ferrara. Four measures related to the murder after Scantamburlo, against the persons who helped Dorio to escape and get weapons, drugs and protectors: they are the Ferrara Benito Gagliardi Massimiliano Guiette, Augusto Andreolli and Mirko Catwalk (which only has the obligation to present), who are alleged offenses of facilitation, competition in usury, extortion, receiving stolen property and firearms. The other twenty recipients of the measures (of different types) are accused in various capacities of drug trafficking, and their positions will be withdrawn and sent to prosecutors and courts of jurisdiction.
investigation of police and prosecutors have emerged Ferrara disturbing background on Dorio, that in prison he met some of those arrested today, and that while he was on parole they had made through extortion and even murder, to Maximilian Thrower, a fisherman Taglio di Po (Rovigo) killed, for a settling of scores linked to the drugs, the night of 4 February 5, 2006 with the same gun cal. 38 which then killed Scantamburlo. Dorio had become - and have told investigators pm Mariaemanuela War - the 'military arm of a group of Ferrara. He, semi-prisoner in the jail Este, which came out once a month on leave award, had a kind of double life burnt cocaine.
and had become very dangerous in the winter of 2005 - 2006: as he was preparing, it was found at the conclusion of 'investigation, including an attack against a leader of the prison service, the project remained on paper and which formally does not appear even in the order of custody, but that was cited by the investigators to confirm the danger of unpredicted and 'model prisoner, was considered as Dorio. The group of Ferrara who favored consisted Gagliardi, known in jail and then probation social services, and Andreolli, Guiette and Passarella. According to the charges they were to 'protect the inaction of Dorio. Gagliardi earned him the gun, bullets and pinafores together 'use Dorio, bringing with them to get an appointment for two entrepreneurs Gualdo, in Ferrara, to pay a debt: Dorio, before the two craftsmen who had to pay a few thousand euro , did the drum roll of the gun saying <>. In '92 he was convicted Dorio killing the old conductress in the Bologna station during a robbery. In a work permit, had escaped.
In February two years ago, just days before the firefight, in semi-liberty had escaped again. That February 12, while driving a stolen car in Ferrara had fallen in the control of Scantamburlo. The policeman knew that the car was stolen and he together with his colleague blocked the run and stopping it. But during the journey on the 'gazelles Carabinieri Dorio had pulled a gun, striking the corporal to death. Then he ran away, but he died while fleeing, wounded by the fire of a colleague of corporal.
These recipients of the other measures: the Moroccan Youssef Chebbi 31 years old, arrested in Ravenna; Jillali Kamal, 36, Cento (Ferrara), Marouane Abdessamad, 25, of Ravenna (at home); Mountasir Ali, 68, of Marina Romea, Saad Abdelaziz, 43, of Ciserano Bergamo, Ilir Sharka, 26, of Hundred, Marouane El Mostafa, 31, and Mustafa Taraf, 25, of Ravenna; Tammaro Tablet, 30 years of Casal di Principe (Caserta), James Simon, 31, and Esterina Spada, 28, of St. Marcellina di Caserta (the latter two have an obligation to stay), Giancarlo Guerrero, 37, of Alford (Ravenna), Gian Piero Donati, 45, Lugo, and Ferrara Luca Ferroni, Massimo Ferroni, Nicholas Govoni, Biagio Grasso, Manuela Tress, Giuliano Guerrini and Renato Ricci Bitti.

Ferrara, 2 years ago killed a policeman
of international drug traffickers broken up around Caserta The police
Ferrara performed in different cities - in addition to the capital Este, Ravenna, Caserta, Casal di Principe and Aversa, Treviso, Perugia, Bologna, Varese, Bergamo and Siena - 29 arrest warrants issued by the investigating magistrate of the court of Ferrara started an investigation after the killing of corporal Scantamburlo Cristiano, 33, took place in Comacchio February 12, 2006.
The murder was committed by a semi-free but at the time escaped convict, Anthony Dorio, 36, killed itself while trying to escape in a shootout with fellow military patrol. In two years of investigation the police department's investigative and Pm Mariaemanuela War have uncovered a drug trafficking activities and illegal when it was finished just Dorio.
After the murder of corporal, the survey pointed it about people that the murderer was in touch. A first line investigation led to the release, on May 5 last year, a measure of housing (which had not been previously disclosed for investigative reasons) against three affected for abetting, extortion, usury, receiving and carrying of weapons illegal gun, flanked for the 'escaped during his fugitive.
The second branch has instead allowed the investigation to establish the existence of a drug, even for large quantities, out of 29 suspects, against whom the magistrate office of the Court of Ferrara issued as many precautionary measures. For three - has been anticipated - are expected house arrest, for two 's requirement of residence in the municipality of residence for an obligation of reporting to the police, while everyone else is expected to custody in prison. Those arrested are Italian, North African and Albanian. During the operation have already been arrested in flagrante delicto, and eight people were seized 11 kilograms of drugs.
until the afternoon orders were carried out 24 of the 29 required by the investigating judge of Ferrara. Four measures related to the murder after Scantamburlo, against the persons who helped Dorio to escape and get weapons, drugs and protectors: they are the Ferrara Benito Gagliardi Massimiliano Guiette, Augusto Andreolli and Mirko Catwalk (which only has the obligation to present), who are alleged offenses of facilitation, competition in usury, extortion, receiving stolen property and firearms. The other twenty recipients of the measures (of different types) are accused in various capacities of drug trafficking, and their positions will be withdrawn and sent to prosecutors and courts of jurisdiction.
investigation of police and prosecutors have emerged Ferrara disturbing background on Dorio, that in prison he met some of those arrested today, and that while he was on parole they had made through extortion and even murder, to Maximilian Thrower, a fisherman Taglio di Po (Rovigo) killed, for a settling of scores linked to the drugs, the night of 4 February 5, 2006 with the same gun cal. 38 which then killed Scantamburlo. Dorio had become - and have told investigators pm Mariaemanuela War - the 'military arm of a group of Ferrara. He, semi-prisoner in the jail Este, which came out once a month on leave award, had a kind of double life burnt cocaine.
and had become very dangerous in the winter of 2005 - 2006: as he was preparing, it was found at the conclusion of 'investigation, including an attack against a leader of the prison service, the project remained on paper and which formally does not appear even in the order of custody, but that was cited by the investigators to confirm the danger of unpredicted and 'model prisoner, was considered as Dorio. The group of Ferrara who favored consisted Gagliardi, known in jail and then probation social services, and Andreolli, Guiette and Passarella. According to the charges they were to 'protect the inaction of Dorio. Gagliardi earned him the gun, bullets and pinafores together 'use Dorio, bringing with them to get an appointment for two entrepreneurs Gualdo, in Ferrara, to pay a debt: Dorio, before the two craftsmen who had to pay a few thousand euro , did the drum roll of the gun saying <
In February two years ago, just days before the firefight, in semi-liberty had escaped again. That February 12, while driving a stolen car in Ferrara had fallen in the control of Scantamburlo. The policeman knew that the car was stolen and he together with his colleague blocked the run and stopping it. But during the journey on the 'gazelles Carabinieri Dorio had pulled a gun, striking the corporal to death. Then he ran away, but he died while fleeing, wounded by the fire of a colleague of corporal.
These recipients of the other measures: the Moroccan Youssef Chebbi 31 years old, arrested in Ravenna; Jillali Kamal, 36, Cento (Ferrara), Marouane Abdessamad, 25, of Ravenna (at home); Mountasir Ali, 68, of Marina Romea, Saad Abdelaziz, 43, of Ciserano Bergamo, Ilir Sharka, 26, of Hundred, Marouane El Mostafa, 31, and Mustafa Taraf, 25, of Ravenna; Tammaro Tablet, 30 years of Casal di Principe (Caserta), James Simon, 31, and Esterina Spada, 28, of St. Marcellina di Caserta (the latter two have an obligation to stay), Giancarlo Guerrero, 37, of Alford (Ravenna), Gian Piero Donati, 45, Lugo, and Ferrara Luca Ferroni, Massimo Ferroni, Nicholas Govoni, Biagio Grasso, Manuela Tress, Giuliano Guerrini and Renato Ricci Bitti.
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