Monday, March 14, 2011
Reasons C0000005 Tally 9
72-71 (23-23, 20-7, 10-22, 19-19)
XXL BASKETBALL: Brunelli 5, includes 4, 6 Danish, Martini 13, Pozzani 8, Scarmato 17, Vasselai 3, 6 Tirozzi, Zaupa 10.
Herds: Constantinople Michetti
LEGNAGO BASKETBALL: Cristofoli 11, Rye 7, 8 Fontana, Renshaw, Ferrari 5, 7 Crivellaro, Bovolone 15, Grace 9, Melotto 9, Galantine Storari and it
Other photo finish victory for XXL!
Teams that occur with many absences from both parties, but those who played did not regret him away! First quarter
attacks with foaming But that does not charge the long bench dell'XXL of fouls. The quarter ends in a draw. Second
village with a great defense that forces XXL Legnago scored just 7 points. Third
village opposite the percentage that fall, XXL Legnago prendde courage and that there is a tie. Are Zaupa, Martini and Scarmato XXL keep afloat with their baskets. All
the fourth quarter continued to surpass the final free throw that advantage from the last XXL, a decisive field goal from under Tirozzi and a super defense Pozzani does pull on the last possession on the edge of time and Legnago festaggiare allows the team's fifth consecutive victory.
MVP of the day, the whole team that has helped each other and having played 10 minutes or the whole game.
Next game still in the house Friday, March 18 at 21.15 vs CUS Verona
Joint Pain With Smelly Urine
ZEVIO 69 - XXL Pescantina 72
Partial 17/18, 12/13, 16/19, 24/22.
The band XXL this appointment for the trip to Zevio with several question marks and few certainties dictated by the heavy absences (Ricky, Gelman, Mazzi, Boss just to mention the most important) and a disturbing news: saw the rooster skeleton coach Jena will be forced to play several minutes! But like any self-respecting fairy tale, the team has heart and wants the playoffs at all costs, and the ugly duckling into a swan trasfermerà magic (a little 'chubby and balding, but it's better than nothing).
Zevio precisely. ... Tricky team, not great but with the Colored over 2 meters to frighten under the basket and a few discrete element of the exterior ready to tackle our patrol of 7 heroes (and this time we can not talk about Jena 6 +) ready to pull out 110% to meet the difficulties of training.
It starts, quintet bound for the coach, with lyrics in the control room, and Nick Paolone on the outside and below the planks and Luke Best Teo. Zevio responds leaving the boot along the bench.
game that, as expected, is struggling to take off and proceed through the first quarter to the beat down, the XXL can not afford to take the important thing is to maintain the balance trying to exploit any gap allowed by opponents. Jena comes into a square just triplona and cold, a clear sign that we can do it. At the first siren we are ahead by 1 point and that's okay ...
In the second quarter the game is heating up. Under the basket when the door is made with the long opponent, but you do not Pescantina intimorirre and flies ahead even of 10. Zevio but not spring and sews the gap before the long break. It should rest with the XXL ahead by 2 points.
begins on 3 partial and materialize the first foul trouble, with Teo, and a height of 3 to 4 Paolone, but our people drive and desire to win. The increasing nervousness among our opponents (among which there will be an expulsion), and present ourselves at the beginning of the last quarter with 5 points. Last time
Paolone and abort the contest for 5 fouls, Nick moves on lungone of color in defensive midfield and the move (like last year) has happened, we hold to the great opponents thanks to determination of all (remember a positive Luke Best, when you leave for five fouls in the middle looks like a fourth beast).
2 minutes from the end we are to +8, but a couple of triple granted below the Zevio but Teo is ice from the line and with a great (for him) 3 out of 4 + 4 leads us to a few seconds on the clock. At this point half a nonsense Yorick sends the Zevio bezel. 1 to 2, and our rebounding, citing the great Dan, Mom throws the dough.
What, snatched a victory with the help of the group is very important in optical playoffs, then he puts Jena 5 triplone with a cold, everything becomes possible. Success is worth double that views even the heavy absences, then good at all. Notes on
absent illustrious
Gelman: obviously justified in its entirety;
Ricky: will return next week, was rejected by the New York Knicks because of the mask, held by non-regular 'NBA;
Boss: You are better taking care of the foot and wants to be ready for the final, optimistic beyond measure;
Luca: Italy who works failed to stop the railways to participate in this match.
TEXTS (MVP) Rated 21 points 8
We play 40 play 40 minutes (David, you can not threaten to stay that you're getting married in June) and runs the game with lucidity Also today, a couple of airball but more readily remember the many points that the opposing sling in the retina. Guns!
NICK Rated 17 Points 8
Best performance of the year, the better both offensively and defensively, especially when he is obliged to mark the colored under the basket. Excellent clarity in the 2-3 start counterattacks that are to be targeted. FORCEFUL!
PAOLONI Rated 7.5
15 points
outer part than usual, perhaps sometimes a little bit strong but as always contributed his points, rebounds and ... .. blows given and taken under the basket . AROUND AND SHOOT!
LUCA BEST Rated 7.5
6 Points
finally pulls out the grit right both offense and defense, sometimes stumbles some mistakes in the wording and the fact that inexperience is a pirlone, but today he made a great contribution to the cause. Bravo Luca. BRAVE!
TEO rating
8 pts 8
As usual it takes and branches at will, but at crucial moments shows unusual hand by a line of charity, putting a number of key free throws. Dented!
Yorick Rated 6.5
1 point
Good game spotted the error on a foul with 4 seconds left (-1 point for that) that could cost us dearly, but luckily it went well, quindi promosso anche lui. AVANTI COSI’!
JENA Voto 10+
5 Punti
Eh si, avete letto bene, il coach nell’emergenza si vede costretto a scendere in campo in una partita fondamentale e dimostra tutta la sua classe, piazzando una tripla d’autore più un altro canestro. Che dire, il basket al potere nella sua essenza più pura, se si legge il punteggio finale si può facilmente intuire come i 5 punti del coach ci regalano il successo finale. MIRACOLATO O DOPATO??
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
2010 Hedge Funds Renaissance Medaillon
Vittoria in casa dell'XXL sulla Rizza.
XXL 67 - 55 Larizza
partial 21-21/11-7/14-14/21-13
return to victory against the opponents the most affordable of the group , especially since they lack the best player, a guard who had made the outward more than 20!
The game is extremely enjoyable and respect between opponents and the referee ... and we say with great satisfaction, since neither of the two formations has yet been sanctioned by a technical foul.
The game is horrible on the floor instead of the game, and you can hear the mancaza of experienced players like Ricky (in the U.S. for an audition with the Knicks), Gelman and Boss (he'll be out until April ).
Our attack is more confusing than usual, and we usually take to-and-pull, or pick-and-make-a-shit, or take-and-make-a-bitch, etc. .. . we have endless variations and interpretations of this pattern.
Then if there is nothing in the field Ricky shit ... but we are no longer with his technique ... manages to make baskets and to cover our weaknesses.
Throughout the game there is only a few assists, and perhaps 2 pick 'n roll in total.
So everyone is nervous, and if they think the ball ... only to pull or seek personal glory, which is not even wrong ... because if one does not try to take advantage of opportunities when has the ball ... when will it ever do? Of course increases exponentially the risk of forcing a shot or make the schemes listed above.
The first quarter ends in a draw, as both defenses are sleeping, and above all we let the opponents a lot of rebounds, which are converted into easy points.
In the second quarter we are witnessing the show of Luca Mazzi, whose shot from the average over the next quarter does not go ... try a couple of bombs (1 is a brick) .. but it's a bulldozer entering.
Unlike the last time that it was Derrick Rose Noantri ... this time is the Sir Charles Barkley (or Lebron James) Noantri.
do not know how, but fails on a couple of support difficult, certainly we have become accustomed to certain entries in which everybody expects a Stopponi, but somehow ... able to get some very strong athletically, but boh must have some secret (and can not be luck, as the fail frequently).
The second quarter ends with us in the lead.
Our opponents are not able to defuse Luca Mazzi ... our opponents precisely, and so we think their Hyena to solve the problem: removing it from the field early in the third quarter.
Phil Jackson is also wrong in the NBA, so do not expect Hyena never wrong ... but if there is 9 players on one hot ... you can not replace him!
fact, when you decide to put it back on the field, the fluid is over ... and the rest of his game will be discreet, whereas before it was remarkable.
slowly wakes Paolone, finally pulling over, he also manages to score.
In the fourth quarter then we give the final push and win a game that we had to take home with fewer worries.
So much so that the end may come Hyena is spectacular ... and see that the hyena must play with an opponent who is less the same height (little) and the same tonnage (so much).
looks like a sumo match!
Luca Mazzi 7.5
8 points
Bella her performance up to half time, then ends up on the bench and can not affect more much, sorry because there was smell of MVP.
Hyena Coach remembers when the McLaren strategists do not combine the right!
Two notes: the bulla to half time saying, you saw that the free service? They are 2 / 3.
Bravo ... what a pity that he did then 0 / 4!
He can also make mistakes ... but this time the counter was tripped!
Good to rebound.
Paul 7.5 (MVP)
26 points
One who scored 26 points theoretically should have an assessment is probably much higher ... True, but this time seems to have our Paolone the spirit of Jerry Stackhouse, described as "'the man who never met a shot he did not like to take."
Throw everything that passes by ... and his game goes into strips ... can put 3 in a row, three in a row as wrong.
If anything positive is the confidence he has in himself ... and without his points would not have won.
In defense limits the opponent's center leg that had a major impact.
Lyrics: 7
7 points
Thread the first bomb of the first quarter, then lost a bit 'attack in the bush, because normally it is more accurate decisions and to shoot.
Then when warmer able to get somewhere that allows us to take us forward.
course only once a block is brought, and runs well the pick 'n roll ... let us help more, both in attack and defense.
Niccolò: 7
9 points
Together with Ulysses is our best defender on the outside and puts a lot of pressure on the opponent's play.
In most producing some good penetration in the basket or shooting.
Andrea: 5.5
3 points
Too passive on defense, as is beginning to mark the opponent and play leaps at him as they would in Ulysses and Nicholas ... then resumes.
But we insist on saying that the guard position Its location is not the best ... ... especially given the cm because it takes some good bounce.
Luke Best: 7.5
6 points
Certainly his jersey after the game is always good sweat, as does economy Commitment!
In attack we want to emphasize two aspects of his game:
the positive is that it should always be determined to bounce
negative is that it seems a crazy horse which runs the area avverrsaria, sometimes going to hinder the lines of attack or passage of teammates.
Better still an active one, that one person ... then someone will think of others ... but it's his business!
Ulysses: 7
6 points
excellent defense, and this time puts off guard ... and win.
Perhaps you should focus even more considering the speed of the basket legs, but lately it seems a bit 'off than other lots.
Teo: 7
0 points
All substance, as always.
Try the table, but can not guess the basket.
offers a beautiful assist to Best, who manages to finish ... truly a beautiful action.
In defense hinders the pivot opponent as best he can.
2 points
4 as a coach.
7 as a player
9 for patience as it is continually insulted by the Boss
I think that people come to read this far ... he understood what's wrong wrong (in our opinion) in the management of the game, or bench Luca Mazzi.
We know that Poker is a pain in the ass ... but if he plays well ... let him play! Joke ..
He sticks to the table a basket ... and very unlikely pasta for everyone!
Boss: 7
too nervous even at the table ... but maybe later this year ... will be able to make it clear to the hyena that should not be removed Who's hot!
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Action Replay Change Nature Of Party Pokemon
74-78 (19-15 20-25 19-16 16-22)
referees Tomelleri-Danieli
BUSTER BASKETBALL: Baroni 18 , Bellamoli 15, Bezzan, Cordioli, Dalla Riva 15, De Rossi 6, Fontana, Mango, Stasi, Zanotto 8, Zenatti 12. Fenzi
XXL BASKETBALL: Zaupa 11, 16 Martini, Pozzani 12, Prando 9, 11 Scarmato, Buy 6, 8 Tirozzi, Danish 5. All
Constantine Vice: Michetti. Yet another ugly
gaming test XXL accompanied, however, suffered from more than 2 points!
As usual opponent for a 8-0 start, although this time the boys try to get back to coach Constantine now on track.
The game is cumbersome but the youth of Buster can not run away ... in the first half seems more of a friendly witness. In the second half the game
salt intensity, pressure 3 / 4 field for Buster and other area ...
continue with the balance on the wire Buster always lead somewhere, even though this time the final rewards Tirozzi and his companions, perhaps taking advantage of greater experience and the habit acquired in the final game of the latest challenges . In
Buster good evidence for Bellamoli, Baroni and Zenatti ;
in Pska recovering Martini and Pozzani .
Next challenge against the league leaders Legnano !
We support many of our boys XXL!
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Drunk Driving Psa Ideas
Grizzly Lessinia - XXL Basketball 64-67
(26/13 - 16/20 - 14/16 - 8 / 18)
Grizzly Lessinia : Big 25 , Gianotto 3, 6 Flumeri, Bertani, War, Brahe, Savegnago 8, 9 Dabi, Amooko, Dal Maso 11, Squaranti 2.
All: Tirelli
XXL Basketball : Zaupa 5, Martini 13, 4 Prange, Scarmato 20, Zatachetto 5, Buy, Brunelli 10, 8 Danish, Coati 2.
All: Costantino Vice: Michetti
Check our usual Pska: 10-0 Grizzly , timeout and coach Constantine inform the team that the game has begun. First quarter in which there is the Great show with 14 points and fourth in Grezzana closes smoothly on 26-13. In the second quarter timid reaction
guest begins to move her legs in defense and driven by good things in attack Brune remains at least in double figures in spite of posting a triple table at the end of Dal Maso . In
3periodo again the evil ' XXL that returns over a ten-point disadvantage: they are Scarmato and reviving Martini comeback to lead the host, assisted by two triples of spun Danish ;
finally in the last quarter Pescantina begins to put the right defensive aggression and Grizzly trouble finding the basket the way it seems to relive the last game Mozzecane advantage and in fact the first guest is 2 minutes from the siren;
from that moment the two teams do not produce more points and the last action Grizzly closes with a bottom line pounded. Others suffered
2 points for our kids, to signal the return after injury of Coati and expulsion of Shawn Buy we await anxiously the next galani with pancakes and training!
First there will already be on Monday, the fundamental challenge with Buster to try to distance themselves fighting the balanced play off this year.
Come on guys!
Sew Inwith Straight Bangs
dell'XXL home defeat of the dippers.
dippers 104 - 42 XXL
(23-4 / 23-9 / 38-15 / 20-14)
We can not talk of defeat , as we present the meeting with the favorites in the group ... without long and serious absences.
The game slips into the final (discounted) without dirty fouls and especially by the Academy of dippers, there is always the risk that a team far ahead of the other start doing Realising the Harlem Globetrotters ... nasty ... but the dippers do their honest game and do not want to punish him.
Ironically in a game with no story, there are more ideas than in other games.
We welcome the Boss version in coach, who is affectionately greeted by Ricky with:
"I understood you not a case" and "you are too poor" .
a month and a half to start again tread the field, but in the meantime tries to make the changes, Hyena makes ... if anyone can do it.
Start Hyena power forward is the penal code, but since there is long (unless Luca Best) ... go on weight and there does not fear competition Iena (110 kg at least).
We are missing: Paolone, Boss, Andrea, Luca Mazzi and Teo disappeared ... in addition to Dennis, Franco, etc .... That have disappeared so that we do not remember even more as they are called!
The game plan is very simple: they are clearly stronger than us, we go out and have fun without too much tension ... will be other games that we win.
But let's make a total mess on offense, as it managed to score only 4 points in the first quarter.
who takes the ball and shoot, regardless of both the rotation of the ball ... we did not, especially because the "touchy" Ricky is rightly angry because it is served!
Then we do some basketball, and play a game just one more decent ... on defense in transition ... we can not take any team from 20 counterattacks!
Ricky: 7 (MVP)
10 points
Excellent performance on defense, even with 3 blocked shots.
in attack no one wants to pass the ball and run.
a couple of puts bombs this time.
If nothing else, rather than to strike as the prima donnas ... decided to apply more injuries on defense.
Nic: 7
14 points
started badly, forcing a lot of balls ... it seems the version of Nic ... sees throws acid that there are, there are no assists, etc..
then ends the effect lysergic and manages to score some nice basket.
In defense applies, as always.
Lyrics: 6
4 points
The total turnover of our first quarter ... then gets involved in the casino of our attack.
exceptional when he is called the schema for the bomb at the end of the second quarter ... jumps at least 10 cm, extends his arm to get the foul ... lies ... and he is not booed at all.
rightly, as it was an awesome skit.
Luke Best: 6.5
4 points
deserves points in less than two points for bringing the girlfriend to see a game like that (you probably do not remember who were dippers), and then looks in every way to get noticed.
Great effort on offense, but every time is too far from the iron or the mesh of the opposing defense they put in difficulties.
looks like a spinning top when the attack takes a bounce, but instead of going on now ... do you prefer a 360 (ground) and then score.
Hyena: 6
0 points
Party quintet as there are long.
His socks are unwatchable ... as everything else (joke).
His honest game is made of some discreet way, but above all a marker that ends short of a meter ... a ball and recovered on the bottom ... that turns into an assist for the opponents, since delivery the ball to an opponent's free under the basket.
Ulysses: 6.5
7 points
missed a fast break and his self confidence suffers a severe stroke, then puts in a penetration is not known how high ... and confidence returns.
It 's a bit tarnished over other games, but maybe the long absence of our forces our children to take more initiatives, and enter a defense against closed ... it is a problem for everyone.
Yoriko: 7
2 points
We will do our, both offensively and defensively, certainly at the level of commitment is one of the best.
Obviously playing against taller and bigger opponents ... it is difficult for everyone.
Davide Tessaro: 6.5
1 point
much effort, but many casinos.
need a cure based on steaks, as if he decided to enter must take into account that others can bring it down or physically oppose it, especially those of dippers.
But if anything good will and desire are there.
Boss: 6
pity that his season is affected by a long stop ... and try to recycle as a coach.
breaking balls as a coach ... unfortunately can not make it clear that the team should be more relaxed in these games to no avail!
Friday, February 25, 2011
What Is The Freezing Point Of Margarita Mix
Victoria suffered for our children 's XXL that stormed Mozzecane after being under for 39 minutes.
now forced to chase after their 12-2 start (unfortunately a constant challenge in the past) the children of Constantine coach can not play smoothly and rely on the single play on offense and defense with a lot of "distractions"; nevertheless manage to stay in the game.
Things do not seem to change in the second half of the zone, Mozzecane keeps those 5-6 point lead. In the last 5 min of Pska players seem to wake up with a good press across the area can recover and take a draw in the last minute, you wear 52-54 on a 2 seconds remaining. Timeout and throw from mid-field for Mozzecane but the shot goes in and out of desperation by a whisker.
Next challenge against a Grizzly recovery;
promises to be another battle sport. Come on guys.
How Many Inches Of Snow Will Cancel A Flight
dell'XXL home defeat of Comet Raldon.
LaCometa 78 - 73 XXL
partial (16-16/22-12/20-22/20-23)
In the old West saloon was written:
“non sparate sul pianista, in quanto è l’unico che abbiamo”…vorremmo fare la stessa cosa con i play, ma il basket è un gioco ingiusto e alle volte vengono criticati maggiormente rispetto agli altri.
Nella palestra della Cometa, che è talmente calda da sembrare una piscina…si disputa un bellissimo match, cambiando il punteggio finale sarebbe stata una rimonta eroica, in quanto eravamo riusciti a rimontare dal -18, al +1.
Coach Iena continua con i suoi signs of mental imbalance, since Tuesday (and we workout at 8), comes with its magata:
"because we play against the comet has a small gym, you'd better go to train in gym. "
"what the hell you say?"
"If you play in a small gym, I go home and change."
The Ricky, but who understands ... quest'ideona proposes:
"since there is the all star game, make baskets and lowered the race of the bombs and crushed!"
A bomb that there would be competition, but this is a stroke of genius, but little in the gym.
Before the game we get some bad news: The Ricky is affected and can not play.
sorry because there would have been very comfortable, as we'll tell you later.
We look at each other and there count:
"we are in 8".
"no, we are 7 + Hyena."
Arbitrage is ultra-tax and penalties on both teams are a lot of fouls, some of them for the minimal contact ... it seems to me to be back at school during the math ... which our professor just felt something move ... it was pure terror.
As in ... last year's final games with the Comet are nice, as is expected to make a basket in more opponents than to make a mark less, and all parties have a high score.
Then fallacciano or not there is a settling of accounts varied, so do not agree with a referee who maybe would be more suitable in the games that become fights.
The first quarter ends in a draw on our side ... keep us afloat Texts and Boss, who was a life that saw him in such a decisive attack.
Paolone Unfortunately can not get into the game, and is booed 3 fouls in 5 minutes ... which would send anyone turns out, he nice to manage themselves in remainder of the game, especially because it has to fight with Mut and with 77 (which has 2 springs instead of legs).
go under in the second quarter, especially on offense because we do a lot of confusion ... while we have problems in defense to limit the Mut, and their two best shooters: 5 and 8.
Tragic is our aim to free, and Ricky would have made it really handy, because in the past had pulled two games with 100% (9 / 9 and 10/10 or something), while in the final last year had made "only" 11/12.
Then maybe it was 0 / 10 ...
In the third quarter we see our comeback, with a great boss, really in a state of grace, who slipped 8 points in a row ... and allow us to go up a bit 'of the gap.
Texts hand man and is always pointing in opposing disasters, because they can not hold it in any way ... but On the other hand in the small gym is always cool!
Uli missed a fast break ... and then the Kabbalah should be ours.
and Paul Nicholas in the fourth quarter can replace us further. ... To point out a beautiful run on the break of Paul.
Then on 68-66 Mazzi guess the bomb of overtaking.
Comet loses his head, as well as Mut and to 77 for 5 fouls, but our hands to free us from taking advantage of two technicians in our favor.
Texts was sent off for a foul and again ... at least our attack, in addition to our security, are not.
no longer able to give a ball to Paolone and especially lose a lot of balls right in the moment.
There seems to be the wax on the ball, or on our hands ... as Maradona did in the world with 82 Cerezo ... which passed with a water bottle into the bromide.
We use the systemic failures, but the 7 is surgical and goodbye dreams of glory.
remains regret because it was a great match, a good comeback ... but when the line was close ... we can not conclude.
Sure sorry to everyone, but even more sad was when we arrived in the locker room ... there was a shirt to the ground like a mortuary cloth ... and inside faces of the funeral.
Paolone: \u200b\u200b
"sorry to lose a game so ".
"will lose even worse."
to grade is hard, as if we had won ... would have been much higher. wanted to lower the rating by 1 point Mazzi ... because of the following of shit that he said in the post-game and post-post-game ..
Bravi all though!
Niccolò: 7
12 points
It 'hard to give a vote to himself or to Luca Mazzi, as it has been very good defensively and in attack, especially as deployed in a power forward at times ... unfortunately at the end (missing text) are forced to be able to play and instead impose a bit 'of lucidity ... are sucked into the frenzy of not being able to bring her home.
If nothing else is back with his decisive cuts and its penetration.
Excellent defense.
Ulysses: 5.5
1 point
misses the break and hopefully bring us luck ... unfortunately we do not run well and lose.
is probably one that most suffers of lack of fitness, but can not find their way in attack that much.
In Defense contains the largest of its opponents.
Texts : 7.5 (MVP)
21 points
At times it is devastating against their external input, and play some good pick 'n roll.
Sometimes, however, exaggerates with his shots from outside, but then we did not have too many shooters and to widen the Comet defense tries to slip away from.
When he comes out seems to us that Enel has cut the electricity supply, as we go into a blackout.
Rating would be higher if it had been more accurate from the foul line.
is unnerved by a pair of faults that are booed, which seem to exist.
Paolone: \u200b\u200b7
10 points
cold starts, especially limited by fouls.
Performs a great job and 77 rebounds against Mut.
We are used to exploit major offensive on his part, and perhaps we are overly critical towards him ... but the engine warms up at the end.
In the last actions we can not give him the ball, as the double systematically.
Boss: 8
16 points
Hear, hear 16 points!
Mark in any way, except from 3 (which is not capable), and from the foul line (2 / 6 ... and there is not even capable), too bad for the liberal wrong otherwise the vote would have been greater, especially in if you win.
In defense tries to contain the Mut, mission impossible ... but in attack produces two blazes a 6 points and 8 points.
At the crucial moment is not receiving as many balls, but maybe it was already out of the game after he forced a couple of shots ... and comments:
"unless I take them on nights like this when I ... I take them? ".
Trim Stopponi a great opponent on the 8, the point to point.
shame that will miss the next three games to cure his foot.
Luca Mazzi: 7
9 points
If we had won ... its Bombone of overtaking was legendary, and it remains an unfinished work.
play an excellent game in both attack and defense ... unfortunately at the end (as Nicholas) is the play maker and tension prevents them to be decisive as they had been previously.
Certainly it is not easy to adapt to make the play, in a gym so small, at crucial moments.
Luke Best: 7
4 points
Again try to steal the ball to a teammate in a shed ... but Nicholas is quick and can score!
positive side, with a great effort defensively and on offense ... sorry to report that at times we ask that you give it in my head ... when he decides to throw a stone 3.
For the rest all right!
Hyena: 7
The rotation was very limited, especially with the fouls whistled in Paolone and lyrics ... but this time manages well and those who enter the field who want to fight and win.
And we respect him.
Monday, February 21, 2011
Calculating Cfm For Kitchen Hood
E 'was found that at the moment is the double title of Mr. Claude FRACASSO more ... however, it is a colleague ...

Here in action instead ANDREA BY OLD (on anonymous tip) in the days when playing outside ...

... and finally, going back in time, our informants are as far back as a trio before turning to football he worked with in film .. From "Weekend at Bernie's"

Why Koreans Have Big Boobs
S. PAUL: IPOs, Bocconcello, Costalunga (1 ' st Trevisan), Pizzolato (21 'st Segato) Scroce, Mastella, Zecchetto, Busato, Rizzato, Matteazzi, Royal (20' st Scuderi). All: Mastella.
ALTAVILLA: Piotto, Gemo, Moschino, Pizzolato, Galati (20 'st Pizzi), Gaiga, Fracasso, Rizky, the deed, Andriano, Grignolo (25' st Labarbiera). Herds: Fracasso.
Referee: Mastroeni of Padua.
Networks: Pt: 8 'Fracasso
Start with saying that today was the longest list of unavailable, than that of skilled and enlist. Procacci disqualified, Bonetto and flour out for physical trouble, Bedin by Ambrosini and service, only came to flesh out otherwise than a bench stuff of juniors.
continue remembering that I'm Sao Paulo boasts the bomber in the group, Frank Rizzo, 25 goals for him, and this week suffering a bit ', he had beaten the Riviera Berica inflicting 4 squdra in baby food in a fight for the title.
Well the Fracasso's boys are not coming to Gagliardotti already defeated. We are the first 90 'in which to sell life dearly. The technician is in fact a virtue of necessity, takes Galati (at the end of the best in the field) and pasting it to the central invents Rizzato, who will miss half ball by mistake, the next is unsurpassed Gaiga, left and right experience and quantity with Gemo and Moschino. In midfield play Rizky, who grits his teeth with back pain very well, supported by super lace at his side, and wings and Fracasso Grignolo. Forward, the couple that wears well, Andriano and Attica.
Ready away, and after 8 Fracasso 'brings us the advantage. Ball from the right, Andriano extension with a heel wheel, the namesake of Mr. thanked, tow, makes the opponent with a fake dry and place inside the near post.
The St. Paul, however, there is still all right, weaves plots from right to left and from left to right, puts fear into the scrum and went close to scoring in the first half belongs, first hitting the post after which the attacker takes their incredibly out of good position. Having escaped the danger
Altavilla tightens teeth and continues to fight. Everyone gives what she can and runs with twice the breath. It suffers a bit 'and then only in the final arbitration decision that makes for some bad thoughts come, but at the final whistle the three points no one takes them away.
Pioneer Deh-6150bt Speaker
ELM CREAZZO UNION: Lucchini, De Marchi, Vicari, F. Gottardi (32 'st Milison) Reffo, served, Balestro (18' st Brodesco), banks, Riva, Gianesello (37 'st Bassanese), D'Angelo. Herds: Rizzotto.
ALTAVILLA: Piotto, Gemo, Zen, Gaiga, Procacci, Farina (37 'st Galati), Fracasso, Rizky, Ambrosini, Andriano, Grigolo (30' st Pizzi). Herds: Fracasso.
Referee: Telatin of Bassano del Grappa
Networks: st: 50 'Bassano (UOC)
Olmo Creazzo
The Altavilla out with broken bones from the derby at the end of a race decided only the very last seconds of the final minutes. Olmo won the game with minimal effort, without ever worry severely Piotto. On the contrary, Lucchini would have a couple of occasions to get scared a lot, but first stop and then betray the great aim Fabio Ambrosini, and then the first time is in store without nets.
Teams longer in the second half and play for free and unnecessarily aggressive. There is time to jump when the goalkeeper prevents local dip in worse trouble on the development of a corner, then little else. A challenge to us think about the curse cesarini area: small doubt all'Altavilla denied, and restart the local launch vertically, avoiding Piotto blot out the lob the rebound but the striker is quick to serve Bassanese that bag.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Disney Shrek And Fiona Wedding
successfully start the second round dell'XXL.
XXL 82 - 69 Agrizoo Sustinente
(15-10 / 28-21 / 16-17 / 23-21)
start with healthy Gelman ... that has become the father of Lisa. Has made a lot of baskets in the field, but this is a great field goal in life ... whose importance is much greater. Best wishes to all the family Gelmetti from your team. In the field we'll miss you, but we are happy for you. We report the presence of shoes ... but it was great part time when they arrived: Gelman, Teo Tonolli and Dalla Bernardina ... and we said:
"reinforcements have arrived."
But just as viewers were okay ... was pleased that you made it.
short of a bitch ... I know it sounds impossible, but I trust that some day someone will be me.
If nothing else it was a great game ... and I'm a serious person ... I would just record a dry, instead of adding details and things that have nothing to do.
are different from my colleague, who is just a serious person, and one morning he was telling the difference between calling the doctor for sick days, as it argued that to call the first day and the third change.
Another argued: "I have never been problems."
I said, jokingly: "Well it is because six nasty. "
And she very severe:
"I was making a serious talk."
And in a very theatrical trial was put on the headphones, and his face punched the monitor.
I apologized, quite false excuses ..
To which he concluded his story, even though I was clearly not listening.
The jingle of the office, when she is not present, it is huge crap shoot, and then say,
"I'm making a serious talk!
So much so that at some point I said to another:
"look what I'm doing a serious talk" ... then a second later, remembering that it was not this ... "oh I'm sorry you do not were there. "
And another:
"look what I've already told you of the sclera."
The match was good, with us stay one step ahead ... but we are the first to know it's a moment to lose the benefits accrued.
start well, as Ricky and Paul are simply relentless and very precise, even in the second half is the Ricky to keep the team afloat thanks to his points.
Discreet arbitration, even with 3 fouls and an unsportsmanlike technical punished ... but the game has become edgy at times.
Species by them, as is usually the loser who plays dirty.
Our defense is great, especially on longer to help opponents, as Nic, Ricky lyrics and expect the ball in the low post ... come to double and steal the ball.
an Exceptional Stopponi Paolone and one of Ricky (masked man can jump).
Excellent is also the defense in a blitz on their midfield playmaker, 17, who is very good but sometimes falls in love with his ability to jump the man and go to the basket, and then scrub in some occasions the ball to go on the counterattack.
Uli missed a couple of counterattacks, with a bloody nose (but we suspect he did as the wrestler who hide razor blades in the knee, and at the appropriate time to simulate a collision or a .. violent injury is inflicted superficial cuts).
But if the cabal that wants to be just the wrong club break lose if the wrong Uli win ... this time ... even if I missed a couple ...
In everyone expects the third quarter magata of Jena, who stressed in training:
"the idea could work in the area 3-2" ... good hyena, do not admit the mistake, even before evidence .
We suffer a small comeback on their part when Paul is on the bench to catch his breath ... then enter load a thousand ... and start hammering the opponents' basket.
Finally in the fourth quarter is not much to report except a bad foul by 17, against Ricky ... which caused a bit ' a scuffle.
Foul useless, since Ricky is relentless from the foul line.
Ricky : 8.5
23 points
superb ... especially in defense aid, thanks to his hands velocisissime.
in attack but the first time puts the light engine with three bombs, then some jump shot.
In the second half but opponents prefer to send him to the bezel, instead do mark from the field ... no problem, since concludes with a 10/10 from the foul line.
This time he stole points to any of his companions ...
Paolone: \u200b\u200b8.5 (MVP)
21 points
In the last games seems like a relentless machine from the line, the ball comes to him, turns, pulls and slides ... like the most natural thing in the world.
Maybe a little 'to even have it on Hyena to better manage the minutes catch his breath and do it, do not get squeezed in the fourth quarter ... some 'merit in what we were saying to us Hyena: that you can not see Paul playing 20 minutes in the first half and 20 minutes in the second half, otherwise it is dead.
After a few games Hyena has understood what we said, and broke it applied!
In defense can take a lot 'of balls, it also signals a Stopponi to help ... and a great assist in attack for the boss.
Niccolò: 8
11 points
game at the end says: "Well I'm happy the way I played in the defense" ... you forget that he played a woman playing on offense, which puts a bomb in the area ... but most still cut, received the ball and puts it gently on the table, in at least three occasions.
This was his game last year, and has finally dusted off big time.
Boss: 7
3 points
At the end of game he was pointed out: "You could take more shots ..." maybe you're right, but when I see Ricky and Paolone always center the risk of retinal ... just take them off the pace. "
A couple of lost balls and a pair of balls ... not recovered SINCE occupy most of the attack, is dedicated to the recovery of rebounds, and fortunately it is an evening in which it manages to capture many.
Texts : 7.5
8 points
two bombs and some nice ball.
recovers from recent performances in which the defense had not been up to .... This time doubles with positive results is the play that long, stealing a lot of balls.
We hope that the condition remains good.
Uli: 8
6 points
exceptional defense on the opponent's play in recent games is probably the most clear head and legs run better ... manages to annoy a lot of the opponent's 17, which still manages to score ... but loses a lot of balls.
in attack missed a couple of counterattacks, but now we know that if the counter is wrong ... we win!
And then it's okay.
Luca: 7.5
6 points
play much, but she finally managed to figure out how to move in a second attack ... especially with opponents low him.
fires a long-two with no one to bounce and puts it, then put a couple of nice baskets ... his points have been providential.
Teo: 7
4 points
place the table, and another basket.
usually work in defense, on offense can not get much in the game ... but on the other hand, if Paolone and Ricky are on-fire ... it is right to give it to them.
Andrea: 6.5
0 points
play much, but one that puts us ... especially in capturing a pair of rebounds in traffic.
Maybe later will have more confidence and playing below, it will take a lot.
Jena: 7.5
manage well the rotation, began shouting a bit 'too much, but then calms down when the game is channeled in the right direction.
When the team plays well and the stars are hot ... it's easier to do ... but the coaches is also easy to send everything to hell.
Clear that when he sent an email with the scores, signing:
"Hello, Coach Jena" ... welcome to the raspberries, as only the legendary Dan Peterson can greet with a "Da coach Dan Peterson."