Monday, March 14, 2011

Joint Pain With Smelly Urine



ZEVIO 69 - XXL Pescantina 72

Partial 17/18, 12/13, 16/19, 24/22.

The band XXL this appointment for the trip to Zevio with several question marks and few certainties dictated by the heavy absences (Ricky, Gelman, Mazzi, Boss just to mention the most important) and a disturbing news: saw the rooster skeleton coach Jena will be forced to play several minutes! But like any self-respecting fairy tale, the team has heart and wants the playoffs at all costs, and the ugly duckling into a swan trasfermerà magic (a little 'chubby and balding, but it's better than nothing).

Zevio precisely. ... Tricky team, not great but with the Colored over 2 meters to frighten under the basket and a few discrete element of the exterior ready to tackle our patrol of 7 heroes (and this time we can not talk about Jena 6 +) ready to pull out 110% to meet the difficulties of training.

It starts, quintet bound for the coach, with lyrics in the control room, and Nick Paolone on the outside and below the planks and Luke Best Teo. Zevio responds leaving the boot along the bench.

game that, as expected, is struggling to take off and proceed through the first quarter to the beat down, the XXL can not afford to take the important thing is to maintain the balance trying to exploit any gap allowed by opponents. Jena comes into a square just triplona and cold, a clear sign that we can do it. At the first siren we are ahead by 1 point and that's okay ...

In the second quarter the game is heating up. Under the basket when the door is made with the long opponent, but you do not Pescantina intimorirre and flies ahead even of 10. Zevio but not spring and sews the gap before the long break. It should rest with the XXL ahead by 2 points.

begins on 3 partial and materialize the first foul trouble, with Teo, and a height of 3 to 4 Paolone, but our people drive and desire to win. The increasing nervousness among our opponents (among which there will be an expulsion), and present ourselves at the beginning of the last quarter with 5 points. Last time

Paolone and abort the contest for 5 fouls, Nick moves on lungone of color in defensive midfield and the move (like last year) has happened, we hold to the great opponents thanks to determination of all (remember a positive Luke Best, when you leave for five fouls in the middle looks like a fourth beast).

2 minutes from the end we are to +8, but a couple of triple granted below the Zevio but Teo is ice from the line and with a great (for him) 3 out of 4 + 4 leads us to a few seconds on the clock. At this point half a nonsense Yorick sends the Zevio bezel. 1 to 2, and our rebounding, citing the great Dan, Mom throws the dough.

What, snatched a victory with the help of the group is very important in optical playoffs, then he puts Jena 5 triplone with a cold, everything becomes possible. Success is worth double that views even the heavy absences, then good at all. Notes on

absent illustrious

Gelman: obviously justified in its entirety;

Ricky: will return next week, was rejected by the New York Knicks because of the mask, held by non-regular 'NBA;

Boss: You are better taking care of the foot and wants to be ready for the final, optimistic beyond measure;

Luca: Italy who works failed to stop the railways to participate in this match.


TEXTS (MVP) Rated 21 points 8

We play 40 play 40 minutes (David, you can not threaten to stay that you're getting married in June) and runs the game with lucidity Also today, a couple of airball but more readily remember the many points that the opposing sling in the retina. Guns!

NICK Rated 17 Points 8

Best performance of the year, the better both offensively and defensively, especially when he is obliged to mark the colored under the basket. Excellent clarity in the 2-3 start counterattacks that are to be targeted. FORCEFUL!

PAOLONI Rated 7.5

15 points

outer part than usual, perhaps sometimes a little bit strong but as always contributed his points, rebounds and ... .. blows given and taken under the basket . AROUND AND SHOOT!

LUCA BEST Rated 7.5

6 Points

finally pulls out the grit right both offense and defense, sometimes stumbles some mistakes in the wording and the fact that inexperience is a pirlone, but today he made a great contribution to the cause. Bravo Luca. BRAVE!

TEO rating

8 pts 8

As usual it takes and branches at will, but at crucial moments shows unusual hand by a line of charity, putting a number of key free throws. Dented!

Yorick Rated 6.5

1 point

Good game spotted the error on a foul with 4 seconds left (-1 point for that) that could cost us dearly, but luckily it went well, quindi promosso anche lui. AVANTI COSI’!

JENA Voto 10+

5 Punti

Eh si, avete letto bene, il coach nell’emergenza si vede costretto a scendere in campo in una partita fondamentale e dimostra tutta la sua classe, piazzando una tripla d’autore più un altro canestro. Che dire, il basket al potere nella sua essenza più pura, se si legge il punteggio finale si può facilmente intuire come i 5 punti del coach ci regalano il successo finale. MIRACOLATO O DOPATO??


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