After the first fish, I start to fill the tank with other fish, according to many exaggerated, but for me an aquarium without fish is an aquarium, so heedless of the advice of many, and trusting those who disagreed with me, I put in a tub Zebrasoma flavescens, a Pseudo Cheilinus Hexantenia and Amphiprion ocellaris. Unfortunately, the ocellaris environment and you do not die after a few days, they tell me it can happen and do not alarm me much. In the meantime I'm enjoying the new guests, those 5 bonded windows start to get interesting in the meantime and maturation continues, waiting to make the plunge. coming in late October: change pitch and two neon lighting from 15 watts to a Lumenarc III with a 250 watt metal halide lamp. Totally different music, the tank to live comedians seriously, diatoms appear first on the glass and values \u200b\u200bbegin to stabilize
. I look forward to the explosion of algae but does not come, maybe some rocks in part already purged earlier, perhaps the fact that for two months the pool is left with very little light, the fact is that everything seems to go for the best.
In mid-November I add some components to patrol scavengers another two turbo snails and hermit crab. In the meantime, I note with much pleasure that it was hidden in the rocks a snail that not only grows but after some time to find mates, probably was not alone in hiding. Taken from the hustle insert also the first coral Pachyclavularia viridis a beautiful green carpet on the floor of the pool that finally beginning to color.

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