Monday, February 14, 2011

Members Entrance Pattycake


XXL Basketball Vs S. Martino Buon Albergo from 54 to 53


XXL BASKETBALL : 2 Brunelli, Buy, Danish 7, Martin 6, Pozzani 3, Prange 10, 13 Scarmato , Tirozzi 12, Zaupa 1. Herds
Constantinople Michetti

S. MARTINO BA : Andreatta 4, 19 Aryans, Baltieri, Beltrami 3, Benetti 3, Noda, Ladder 10, English 2, 5 Squaranti, Turati 7, Venus, Zanon. Herds Garnero

back to win the boys Pska front of a public good frame after a trio of defeats, defeating do after a game is pulled, the second force in the league:
San Martino .
This time the departure of the people of Costa coach is not with the handbrake on, but on both sides field dominated by defenses ...
the game is not spectacular but turns into a play-off challenge.
All quarters are pulled and the area of \u200b\u200bpress coach Garnero , the XXL responded with a 3-2 with 4piccoli often in the field.
We arrive at the final race with more than 5 on the San Martino and 47-52 with 2 free support;
both are wrong and will be costly because at 30 seconds from the end on the other side are the two free throws on target to overtake XXL .
last action thanks to good defense, SMBA not find the basket, and the men led by the duo Constantinople Michetti Possoni celebrate a victory that is moral. For

San Martino good test Aryans, for our players to mention Bicci Tirozzi and Max Scarmato but it was really the whole team to put in that extra field in the last test was missed. Now under
with Fortitudo ..!


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