Sunday, February 13, 2011

Hevy Boobs Feedingvedios


XXL Basketball - Zevio
68-71 (13-23, 22-14, 14-21, 19-13)

XXL Basketball : Zaupa 11, Martin 7, Pozzani 4, Prando 17 , Zocatelli 3, Scarmato 15, Tirozzi 6, Brunelli, Coati 5. All

Zevio : Molinarolli 9, Turra, Tosi 5, 16 Montana, Varalta, Zenti 5, Sordo 15, Trevisan 16 , Coulter 5. All Coulter

Another bad test Pescantina the third consecutive defeat. The hope for the men of coach is that Constantine is a physiological loss of form during the early period of the season and his boys are able to recover even recovered all the missing
that during these first months have greatly influenced the training on and subsequent field tests.
Zevio Coming to the game with the now usual starting handicap did not spare even this time the quintet xxl forced to chase after a few minutes (3-13).
Several times during the race there was the rubber band of 10 points that slowly rebuild bridges and so is the xxl was also reaching the last quarter -2 to a minute to go. E 'failure in the final minutes
clarity to complete the comeback with a number of errors from below and from the foul line and even some whistling / whistle arbitration is not at least doubtful.
Congratulations to the team's coach, however, that Coulter has performed well especially under the planks and brought home two precious points in optical playoffs.

Pska Now the kids to touch another test of fire at San Martino. For many already missing you go to add Coati unfortunately, was injured during the race with Zevio. We hope to soon find our big players.


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