Tuesday, February 8, 2011

How Long Does It Take To Get Transition Lenses


Gymnastics Bar 68 - 77 XXL Basketball

Partial 10-16, 21-20, 17-21, 20-20.

From: Any Given Sunday - Tony D'Amato (played by Al Pacino):


Three minutes .. . . Professionale.Tutto to our most difficult challenge you decide
oggi.Ora, or resurrect us .... as a team. . .. . .
or give an inch at a time, one scheme after another, until the defeat.

We are in hell right now, gentlemen miei.Credetemi.E
we can stay there, slap us. . Or. . open the way
struggling toward the light.

We can climb the walls of hell .. . .
volta.Io But inch by inch, I can not do it for voi.Sono too old.

I look around, I see these young faces and think. . .. . .
sure that I have made every Erroi that a middle-aged man can fare.si
..... because I've wasted all my money, believe it or
no.Ho kicked out .... all I wanted quelliche well.
somewhere I can not even bother the face I see in the mirror.

You know, over time, with age, things get this tolte.Ma
ago .. is part of vita.Però you only learn that when you start to lose
. And you discover that life is a game of centimetri.E
so is football.

Because in either game, life or football. . .. . .
the margin of error is ridottissimo.Capitelo Half step
in fact a little early or late and you do not do it there.

One half second too slow or too fast and missed the presa.Ma
the inches we need are everywhere around are noi.Ce
they are in every break of the game, every minute, every secondo.In
this team, we fight centimetro.In for this team,
massacre fatigue ourselves. .. . . And all those around us, for a
centimetro.Ci defend with tooth and nail for a
cm ..... . . Because we know when we add up all those inches
. . .. . . Then the total will make the difference between victory and defeat
! Differernza between the living and dying.

I'll tell you something. In any confrontation. . .. . . Is one who is willing
to die than to earn a centimetro.E
I know if I have a life. . Will be rewarding because
are still willing to fight and die for that inch.

Our life is all there is in this cosist
those ten inches in front of my face! But I can not force you to fight
! You Look mate next to you!
look into his eyes! I bet we'll see
a man determined to gain ground with you that we will see a man. . . Sacriferà
you happy for this team understands that when it's time
... you will do the same for him.

This is to be a team, gentlemen mine, or so we resurrect
now as a collective. . .. . . Or we will be annihilated INDIVIDUALLY.

is football, guys.

It's all here. Then

. . . what do you do??


course is one thing to read is one thing to see and Al Pacino look
obsessed with acting ... but will use it later ...

The gym at the Fitness Bar must have been designed
to contain missile NASA, as it is high ... and is very close to
regard to the field .. it must be said that they
gyms seen much worse ..

is a beautiful girl in the audience, unlike us that we have the maximum
shoe ... which clearly must be
best wishes for a speedy recovery and even praise his participation in the

Marx said: "TV culture increases, since the turn
two minutes ... then I turn and go in the other room and read a book."

The same could be said for basketball, as the above-mentioned
girl follows the first game, then start to read a book
... and I think it was coach's notes Hyena!

(and even those Mourinho).

We attend at least 3 yellow in this match:

1. The Ricky

Confabula with opponents (before putting on the scoresheet 30), and we suspect that
furious snatched the MVP against Rizza ...
has decided to agree directly with the opposition.

So that would suggest that after Ruby Heartbreaker ... there is a Ricky
Rubapunti, which robs them teammates (especially the Gelman).

Probably the proposed contract to the team of Ricky
of lawyers was this: "Give me some of my basket
companions ... otherwise I seriously pissed and you'll do 40 seriously."


The second yellow is at the mid game ... when the boss decides to go to the bathroom
... knock and the locker room is closed.

Immediately after there is a blonde who opens, displaying the phone
saying, "are 21.41 ... I can stay till 21.45
here ... why not be out of context!"

And who cares? ? He had only to go to the bathroom.

3. At the end of game to give the MVP Ricky (played very well), but the
Gelman was robbed of an MVP and deserved at least 6-8

When he was informed her he read the match report ... and it seemed that a
consult your bank account ... after the thieves have
cloned credit card and expense data were crazy.

Or imagined Ricky has run up a snatch
vespetta that "exchange" of the points ... as a steal the old board.

The game is nice, as it remains in balance until the end,
because every time we interpose 6-7 points between us and them ...
opponents always seem to return.

And we get to be 68 to 68.

Is there any limit to the contact or some bad foul, but on the other hand, if the game
is point to point ... clearly there is a greater
tension by both teams.

Forensic trimmed to the gym for two technical complaints, but we're good at
have not yet taken the beginning of the year.

They are in 8, while we lack Paolone and Nic (who says of
have had a high fever ... and recycling an old joke ...
the maximum was a donkey, not the horse).

start all pretty cool, except that Gelman is
ball on offense, but especially in defense makes up for the lack of
Paolone to bounce, and catch any ball both in area.

Unfortunately, our attack is anything but fluid, as the opponents
more inclined to close the area, which put pressure on our shooters
, so whoever has the ball ... think
earn glory on his own.

Our defense in the first two quarters has some obvious holes, but sometimes we forget
especially the tagliafuori.

In the third quarter our defense improves as
pressure on the outside, allowing us to get ahead by 10 (68-58), 3
unfortunately their bombs and shove the Clutching 68 of us ... and everything to redo

Tension increases, but hopefully we can get 4 more points ...
advantage that will eventually become 7.

To note a free hand to our good: first Gelman, Uli,
Luca Mazzi Andrea ... and luckily there was your boss, otherwise
figures plummeted dramatically.

Congratulations to all.

Ricky: 8 (MVP)

30 points

Start a bit 'cold, then in the third quarter (our memory)
begins to insert the retina with incredible continuity ... though it is cooled
possessed by a homicidal rage, and any
appear before the opponent beats him mercilessly ....

Less accurate than usual from the foul line, but not at all inaccurate!

In defense spending well and manages to steal more than a few football.

Bravissimo not lose your head when an opponent holds a key joint in
without letting go, despite the
referees have whistled a few seconds.

They have not yet realized that the more angry and more plays.

Gelman: 8.5

The MVP was his, as in the first two quarters put
shots from all positions, and the defense was superlative in capturing any
bounce pass in area.

probably in double figures in rebounds at the end of the first quarter.

seems possessed by the energy he can put in any time
is in the field, considering he plays for the first time

his basket in a beautiful stretch, after penetration from the foul line.

Teo: 7

4 points

A beautiful basket upside down at first, and another fine goal.

You spend well in attack and defense, but like other long
is penalized by the fact that the ball is always in the hands of children ... but on the other hand our
External forces have played very well.

Boss: 7

4 points (would be 6, but Ricky has stolen him
2 ... maybe it was good at faking the signatures in high school ... and was able to falsify the report
to their advantage).

particularly nervous, but good game ... even if its in wrong
attack over some support.

In his defense there are two reasons: if he does his usual 5 fouls and missing
Paolone ... in the end we find ourselves with only the long-Teo and win
becomes even more difficult.

The second reason is because you suspect a freeze-out (for those who are ignorant
put a note below), since the coming few
balloons, some late, some long and some short ... so that the speech
Al Pacino is set perfectly in this situation.

The times that the ball reaches the other hand, is more confusing than usual.

scored a basket of monstrous ignorance in the third quarter ...
are about to expire when the 24 seconds ... take a break,
from the foul line, turning ... that can be slipped gently.

Excellent in defense (can also place a "fast" on the pivot
opponent), and bounce ... especially offensive.

Uli: 6.5

5 points

more under control than other times, but has gone a bit '
of his sacred fire ... on the other hand it is difficult to find the right chemistry between the
be controlled and follow your instincts.

Her test is positive.

Lyrics: 6.5

8 points

Mette our first bomb, bomb puts +4 against them ... and distributes more than half
some good assists.

The problem is that in the middle there is a very suspect defense
on opponents, who take advantage of ... and excluding the two bombs and two surgical
free edition ... there is 4-mix the vegetables against

If at the decisive moment is, as always ... is on offense, and defense.

Luca Mazzi: 7.5

9 points

bad for a bomb short of a meter (one that should be the total
his weapon) ... but otherwise played an excellent game.

wedged in attack several times in attacking, and the first two quarters
plays a woman playing.

not have disposed of the aftermath of the accident and runs
accommodates the bench ... shame because in the fourth quarter comeback by the opponent
c'avrebbe been useful, so much so that some of us look
above the basket to see if it arrives in St. Peter as the game of married bachelors

Luke Best: 6

3 points

He was assigned half a point less for a counterattack, 2 against 1
, managed badly, because it wants to go to the basket and he gets a long
Stopponi by the opponent was waiting.

In defense manages to get it back.

Excellent effort, both offensively and defensively ... but clearly
is young and every game has its good and bad.

Andrea: 6.5

Accurate 3 points from the foul line.

It is committed in attack and defense ... but in spite
is forced to play near the basket and repeatedly pointed out that they are not
comfortable in that position.

Our team is low, so all in all it's better to play out of position
than not to play!

Hyena: 7.5

comes in undershirt, maybe he wants to play ... maybe
just wants to scare us ... maybe he had nothing to put in the closet ... Do not mistake

rotations, especially because they are reduced to the bone.

His masterpiece is still in play 6 vs 5 ... in fact the report
assigns points to Ricky as he is on the bench!

Or Ricky has an account as those promised by advertising
banks ... that in the face of it seems a small investment you make
do who knows what interest!

Big Ricky, however, continues to play so well!

We miss your super-offensive performance.


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